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Build a basic dApp with Scaffold-Eth-Monad

Scaffold-Eth-Monad is a fork of Scaffold-ETH 2 with Monad configuration.

Scaffold-Eth-Monad is designed to make it easier for developers to create and deploy smart contracts on Monad and build user interfaces that interact with those contracts.


Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:

  • Node (>= v18.18)
  • Yarn (v1 or v2+)
  • Git

Get Funds on Testnet

You will need funds on Monad Testnet in order to deploy smart contracts, you can get funds from the Monad Faucet.

Initial Setup

  1. Clone the Scaffold-Eth-Monad repo
git clone
  1. Open the project directory and install dependencies
cd scaffold-eth-monad && yarn install
  1. Setup .env file for Hardhat:

Make a copy of .env.example in packages/hardhat folder, name it .env and enter the respective values

  • DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of the wallet that is going to deploy the smart contracts.
  1. Deploying smart contracts on Monad:

Once the .env file is setup, you can now run the below command in your terminal.

yarn deploy --network monadTestnet

This command deploys YourContract.sol to the Monad testnet network. The contract is located in packages/hardhat/contracts and can be modified to suit your needs.

The yarn deploy command uses the deploy script located in packages/hardhat/deploy to deploy the contract to the network. You can also customize the deploy script.

  1. Setup .env file for Next.js app (optional):

Make a copy of .env.example in packages/nextjs folder, name it .env and enter the respective values

  1. On a second terminal, start your NextJS app:
yarn start

Visit your app on: http://localhost:3000. You should see a dApp like below.


You can interact with your smart contract using the Debug Contracts page. You can tweak the app config in packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts.

What's next

  • Edit your smart contract YourContract.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts.
  • Edit your frontend homepage at packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx. For guidance on routing and configuring pages/layouts checkout the Next.js documentation.
  • Edit your deployment scripts in packages/hardhat/deploy.
  • Edit your smart contract test in: packages/hardhat/test. To run test use yarn hardhat:test